The Best Steps Of Yoga For Beginners
Hello world,
How are you doing.! Hope you’re fit and fine.
But the word ‘fit and fine’ seems to be fading in the present world. In today’s busy world people have almost forgotten about their health. As a result of which the cases of disease & illness are increasing day by day.
Today we are here for the same cause. It’s a little effort made by us to bring the word ‘fit and fine’ once again in your life.

- increased flexibility.
- increased muscle strength and tone.
- improved respiration, energy and vitality.
- maintaining a balanced metabolism.
- weight reduction.
- cardio and circulatory health.
- improved athletic performance.
- protection from injury.
- And many more benefits are there. So this is the reason why everyone should do yoga.
- For more details on Importance of Yoga click here
There are a lots of mind full people who wants to do yoga but they don’t know how to do it..!. Don’t worry, today we’re here to show and guide you with all the proper steps. Below are the best steps of yoga for beginners, which will add color and comfort to your life.
Shavasana- Corpse Pose

- Always start yoga poses with Shavasana.
- Lie flat on your back, like our sleeping pose. Legs should be separated.
- Concentrate on your breathing and relax for a few minutes.
- Relaxes your body, improves concentration.
Mountain pose- Tadasana
- Stand with your feet slightly apart and make sure that your weight is balanced equally on both feet.
- Inhale, raise your arms above your head, interlock your fingers with palms facing upwards.
- Raise your shoulders up towards your ears and on an exhale, roll your shoulders back and down your spine, opening your chest and straightening your posture.
- Relax all muscles in your face, including your tongue.
- Relax your eyes and maintain a steady gaze.
- Come back to normal position and relax.
- It improves posture, opens up the chest and lengthens the spine
- Gently strengthens the thighs, buttock and leg muscles
- It is also beneficial in increasing awareness and concentration
- Reduces flat feet and relieves sciatica
- Releases tension from the face.
Downward dogs- Adhomukhasana
- Stand straight by keeping some distance between your feet.
- Now slowly bend downward in such a way to make “V” shape.
- Keep distance between two hands and legs as shown in the above image.
- While breathing out lift your toes and try to push yourself back. Do not bend legs or hands. It will give a good stretch on your back, hands, and legs.
- Take a deep breath and hold this position for some time
- Now, while exhaling slowly come in your starting, position.
- Tone muscles, cure sinus problem, stretches entire body, improve blood circulation.
For more details on Downward Dog pose click here.
Warrior pose- Virabhadrasana

- Stand straight with your legs by keeping distance 3-4 feet between each other.
- Inhale and raise both hands parallel to the ground and turn your head to the right.
- While exhaling slowly turn your right foot at 90 degrees to the right.
- Slowly bend your right knee as shown in the above image. And hold this position for some time.
- Repeat this for, cycle for 4-5 times.
- Gives strength to the legs, arms, lower back and tones your lower body.
For more details on Warrior Pose click here.
Vrikshasana-Tree Pose

- Stand straight with arms at sides
- Place your sole of right foot on the thigh above the knee of the left leg as shown in the above image
- After balancing bring hands in front of you in prayer position and raise upward.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Improve balance, strengthens thigh, legs, calves, ankles, and spine.
Bandhasana- Bridge Pose

- Lie flat on the ground and keep your arms at your sides.
- Lift your lower body as shown in the above image.
- Breathe deeply in this position for 20-30 second.
- Then relax by bringing down your lower body as in starting position.
- Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times.
- Reduces stress and strengthens your chest, back, and spine.
For more details on Bridge Pose click here.
Trikonasana-Triangle pose
- First to stand by keeping distance between two feet as shown in the above image.
- Now turn your right leg at around 90 degrees as shown in fig.
- Now bend at right side while exhaling and your left hand facing towards the ceiling and right hand touching your right toe as shown in fig.
- Stay for 1-2 minutes in this posture.
- Stretches entire body, improve blood circulation, stimulate function of kidney.
For more details on Triangle pose click here.
Ardha Matsyendrāsana- Seated Twist Pose

- Bend your left leg and try to touch your feet to your right buttock as shown in the above image.
- Bring your right leg outside of the left knee. Touch your feet to the ground. Keep your spine erect.
- Exhale and turn your upper body to the right. Hold your right feet with the left hand and place your right hand behind you are on the ground as shown in the above image.
- Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You can increase time after good practice.
- Stretches back muscles and spine, improve blood circulation, cures constipation and indigestion.
For more details on seated twist pose click here.
Cobra Pose- Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is one of the best yoga poses for beginners to burn belly fat and strengthen the stomach.
- Lie down on your stomach and
- Take a deep breath and lift your upper body like head, neck, shoulders, chest upwards as shown in the above image.
- Hold this position for some time. Now exhale and bring your upper body to the ground.
- Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times.
- Cures acidity, indigestion, and constipation, reduce belly fat, improve blood circulation.
For more details on cobra pose click here.
Baddhakonasana- Butterfly Pose

- Sit straight on the floor with erect spine and bend your knees by bringing feet as close as possible.
- Try to touch the soles of your feet each other.
- Hold your feet with your hands.
- Start flapping like a butterfly by bringing thighs up and down slowly for 1-2 minutes
- You can do it fast also.
- Improve function of abdominal organs, prostate glands, bladder, and kidneys.
For more details on butterfly pose click here.
Hope this content helped you. Personally, I will suggest you to must add Yoga in your busy life’s routine to overcome the mental and physical stress. And at present, In Covid situation It has become more important to make your immune system strong enough to fight against such viruses, so that you can live your sweet and happy life. Stay safe ,,, Stay alive.. Don’t forget to leave your comment below.
“We all wish for world peace, but world peace will never be achieved unless we first establish peace within our own minds.” -Geshe Kelsang Gyatso